843. 839. 5588

Contact Life Line Chiropractic

Contact Life Line Chiropractic at the location, phone number, and email below:


1151 Robert Grissom Parkway
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(Directly under Core Fitness Club, Between 10th Ave & 21st Ave)

Phone & Fax

Phone: (843) 839 5588
Fax: (843) 839 5591

Clinic Hours
Monday: 9am – 530pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9am – 530pm
Thursday: 9am – 530pm
Friday: 9am – 1230pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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“I woke up one morning and I couldn’t put any weight on my left knee. I had to hobble around for 3 days with a brace on my leg. I was really surprised at how fast I got better after seeing Dr. Tammy. I was able to walk normally 1 hour after I left the office!” – Keith
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