843. 839. 5588

Improvements In Chronic Cervicalgia, Bilateral Hand Dysethesia & Lumbar Disability With Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization & Spinal Manipulative Therapy

Dr. Tammy’s research was recently published in the Frontiersin.org journal of Neuroscience! Her research proved that improvements were made in chronic cervicalgia, bilateral hand dysesthesia, and lumbar disability with an instrument that assisted soft tissue mobilization and spinal manipulative therapy.

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Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Travel Tips

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss a few travel tips on Carolina AM.

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Taping

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss adjustments on Carolina AM.

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Adjustments

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss adjustments on Carolina AM.

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Posture

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss posture on Carolina AM.

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Text Neck Syndrome

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss text neck syndrome on Carolina AM.

How Does Eating Healthy Affect Your Life?

You already know healthy eating can have a positive impact on your life, but just how far do these benefits extend? Evidence suggests regularly eating healthy, well-balanced meals contributes to sustained weight maintenance, a better mood, increased energy levels, positive inspiration to others and the potential for a heightened quality of life. A nutritious, well-balanced diet – along with physical […]

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Spinal Care

Watch Dr. Tammy of Life Line Chiropractic discuss spinal care on Carolina AM.

Dr. Tammy On Carolina AM: Well Being Tips

Watch Dr. Tammy on Carolina AM as she discusses tips on your well being.

“I woke up one morning and I couldn’t put any weight on my left knee. I had to hobble around for 3 days with a brace on my leg. I was really surprised at how fast I got better after seeing Dr. Tammy. I was able to walk normally 1 hour after I left the office!” – Keith
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