843. 839. 5588

Life Line Chiropractic

Life Line Chiropractic and Massage was founded on the belief that not enough people receive the quality, comprehensive health care each of us deserves. Our patients, those who live in Myrtle Beach or those who are visiting the Grand Strand, feel the difference in our care from the moment they step into our office. Dedicated to providing long-term health solutions through the latest and most effective adjustment techniques and rehabilitative therapies along with massage therapy and nutritional guidance. We offer personalized treatments plans to stimulate your body’s natural healing process.

“I woke up one morning and I couldn’t put any weight on my left knee. I had to hobble around for 3 days with a brace on my leg. I was really surprised at how fast I got better after seeing Dr. Tammy. I was able to walk normally 1 hour after I left the office!” – Keith
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