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Chiropractic Terms

Below is a list of chiropractic terms that you will most likely hear during your visit to Life Line Chiropractic in Myrtle Beach:

Adjustment – A form of manipulation, where the application of force is of a high velocity – low amplitude thrust.

Arthritis – A general term referring to a condition of the joints. Literally it refers to an inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis. The form which will inflict many people as they age is known as osteoarthritis. Other types include rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.

Cervical – When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the neck.

Chiropractic Subluxation Complex – An extension of Joint Dysfunction. At this point, symptoms arise which are no longer simply musculo-skeletal. Now, through faulty transmission of information through the nervous system, various organs may malfunction.

Disc – A cartilage that separates spinal vertebrae, absorbs shocks to the spine, and protects the nerve system.

Degeneration – A wear and tear phenomena. When the joints of the body wear out, it is referred to as osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease.

Herniation – Condition of the intervertebral disc, whereby some of the material which makes up the disc shifts to a position which irritates the nearby nerve for that spinal area.

Intervertebral Disc – This is the soft tissue found between the bones of the spinal column. They help cushion the spine from everyday stress. Through improper posture discs can wear out (degenerate). This can lead to the condition known commonly by the laymen, as a “slipped disc”, or a disc herniation.

Joint – The area between two bones where movement occurs. If movement is abnormal, pain and degeneration may occur.

Joint Dysfunction – A condition, whereby the joints of a particular area are not moving properly.

Lumbar – When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the low back.

Manipulation – This is a form of manual therapy where an application of forces to structures such as muscles, joints and bones is presented, where the goal is the restoration of normal joint motion and the elimination of pain secondary to disturbed biomechanics.

Nervous System – The telephone communication center of the body. All information from outside the body and from inside the body must pass through this system. The two parts of the nervous system include the Central and Peripheral Nervous systems.

Nerves – The extensions which branch off of the brain and spinal cord and carry information to all parts of the body.

Osteoarthritis – Also known as degenerative joint disease. A form of arthritis in which a wear and tear phenomena occurs at the joint.

Range of Motion – This is a description for the amount of movement which occurs at a particular joint or region of the body, such as the lumbar spine. In the spinal column, there are six (6) different movements which may occur. These include flexion (bending forward), extension (bending backward), rotation (twisting right and left) and lateral flexion (bending to each side, right and left).

Spinal Column – The bones of the back. The spinal column protects the spinal cord and allows for movement of the body in various ranges of motion.

Spinal Cord – The extension of the brain. Coming off of the spinal cord are 31 pairs of spinal nerves which communicate with the body as a whole.

Spondylolysis – A degeneration of the intervertebral disc.

Thoracic – When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the back between the neck and the pelvis.

Vertebrae – The bones of the spinal column. There are three areas of vertebrae: a cervical, thoracic and lumbar area.

“I have been a patient at Life Line Chiropractic for over 2 year for severe lower back pain. My experience has been an extremely positive one. The level of care provided by Dr. Tammy and her staff has been excellent… I continuously recommend Chiropractic Care to anyone who complains of back pain and joint pain. And not just any chiropractor… I will always be grateful to Dr. Tammy and her staff for improving the quality of my life!” – Rose
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